Thinking about getting a Master's degree?
As some of you might know, I'm about a month away from earning my Master's degree in News Media Studies from American University's School of Communications. I've been in the weekend program there since late 2007 and have really enjoyed it. Anyway, the program is actively seeking new students for the program, so I thought I'd post a letter from the associate director of the program, who is recruiting possible students. I have nothing but high regard for the program. It meets on Saturdays and is perfect for working professionals, especially anyone interested in teaching or is simply looking to exercise their brains. Anyway, without further ado... here's that letter (and feel free to shoot me questions if you have any):
I write to ask that you tell your friends and colleagues about our weekend master’s program in News Media Studies here at AU’s School of Communication. This is a flexible, dynamic, and innovative program attractive to media professionals seeking to burnish their credentials and gain keener insights about directions the field may take in the years ahead. The News Media Studies program also can be a gateway to teaching.
Students in the News Media Studies program attend class on Saturdays and earn a master’s degree in 20 months. Each three-credit class meets for six, day-long sessions on the AU campus in Northwest Washington. Some distance learning courses are offered during the summer.
The News Media Studies program features some of the School of Communication’s top fulltime journalism faculty, including: Jane Hall (who teaches “Contemporary Media Issues”), John Watson (“Legal Aspects of Communication”), Christopher Simpson (“Research Methods”), Amy Eisman (“Teaching Communication”), Rick Rockwell (“Research Studies”), and W. Joseph Campbell (“Seminar in Public Affairs).
The News Media Studies program is designed for working professionals. The program’s alumni include journalists, congressional aides, public relations professionals, and high school teachers.
News Media Studies students work hard. And they find they benefit enormously from the discussion-based intellectual byplay of their classes. And they take away practical, useful insights about news media and their role, influence, and place in a complex society. Students also enhance their research skills and find they are encouraged to question conventional wisdom about the news media and their influences.
Anyone interested in learning more about the weekend News Media Studies program is invited to get in touch with Prof. Rick Rockwell, the Associate Director of Journalism Programs in the School of Communication at 202/885-2067 or at
Rick Rockwell
P.S.: Here's the Web site for the program: Scroll down until you see "News Media Studies."