I've got a feeling...
Over the last few months, Sammy has been "hearing" the radio more and more. We'll be driving along and all of a sudden from the back seat I'll hear, "this week"?!?! For a moment I'm confused, and then I realize, she's just repeated the last clearly enunciated words that came through the radio. She repeats them as a loud question, as if she were in disbelief.
She'll do it again and again and again. It's quite funny and we make a little game out of it. I'll do one -- "in Iraq"!?!?!?! and then she'll do one: "blue state"!?!?!?!
As I drove Sammy to school this morning, I set my iPod to shuffle through The Beatles. Sammy and I continued our game as The Beatles played "Let it be" and "Taxman." And then "I've got a feeling came on."
"Good time"?!?!?!
"Socks up"!?!?!?!
"Wet dream"?!?!?!