Cupcakes for (almost) everyone!
Last week was Sammy’s 5th birthday. Specifically, it was on Wednesday the 2nd. So, the night before was cupcake night. We baked 16 delectable vanilla/chocolate marble cupcakes (the recipe said it made 24, but I don’t see how) and topped them with vanilla icing.
Sammy was super excited. “Can I have one? Can I, please???”
“No,” I said. You have to wait until tomorrow when you can share them with your friends.
I packed them away in tupperware and on Wednesday, she took them to school. That night I asked her how they tasted.
“Yummy!” she exclaimed.
“Were there enough for everyone?” I asked. I wasn’t sure how many kids were in the class, but I thought it was less than 16.
“Yep. Except Ms. Ward,” she said. Ms. Ward was her teacher. I felt bad that I hadn’t made enough for her too.
The next day, I apologized to her teacher for my oversight. “It’s ok!” she assured me. “We split some up and everyone was happy.” Wait a minute... split some up?
“How many kids are in the class again?” I asked.
“Seventeen.” D’oh!