On Friday, a local church (which hosts various events in Lincoln Park like a live manger scene at Christmas, an Easter egg hunt on Easter, and this outdoor movie screening) took over a part of Lincoln Park to show “Cars.”
I was so excited! As you know, I’m a big fan of the church. No, wait. I mean, I’m a big fan of Pixar. I had wanted to see “Cars” since it came out in the theater. In fact, I took Sammy to see it when it came out, but she got scared about five minutes into the film, so we had to leave.
But that was then. This was now. She said she wanted to go. So I packed up her wagon — sleeping bag, pillow, camera — and off we went. Popcorn was first on the agenda. Check.
Then it was time for the film. We settled in. We watched. We got scared. We sat in Daddy’s lap. We got tired. We left.
At least this time we got about halfway through. One of these days I’ll see the whole movie. But that wasn’t the point. We had a great time under the heavens... er, stars.