Last night was our farewell dinner. We gathered up all the pork and chicken and salad fixings we hadn’t already eaten and prepared a feast. I think there was a pound of meat for every man, woman and child. The grill was full and so soon would be our tummies.
The dinner capped a busy day for Cyn and me. I woke up early and did some snorkeling at the beach by the end of the road. I had seen snorkelers there all week and had thought, “oh, come on... it can’t be very good right here, could it?”
It could. Rainbow fish, clown fish, yellow fish, blue fish, crazy spikey-headed fish all clustered just feet offshore. And as I got ready to walk back to the condo, a seat turtle drifted by like a ghost. His (or her) giant flippers elegantly and slowly paddling it across the rocky bottom. I was only two feet away. And no camera.
Cyn and I then went kayaking. We caught a van to our launching point and our tan-and-taught guides led us up river. We heard creation stories and the history of an ancient fish pond, saw the rope Harrison Ford caught to escape the dart-blowing natives in the first Indiana Jones movie, and hiked to a hidden waterfall. There was even a pool we could rope-swing over and plunge into. Refreshing!
Ironically, going up the river is easier than going down it, thanks to the winds blowing in from the sea. So we got towed back to base for our van-ride back to town. That’s when the rains came, just in time for our long walk back to the condo.
At almost the moment we walked in, the rains stopped. We sent Shell and Cam out to take a break from the kids and we got dinner going.
The kids cooped up because of the rain, needed to burn off some energy, so we locked them in the tennis courts and let them run until they gave out. Then it was dinner and bed.
This morning the rains returned and how. Nonstop showers bid us farewell. It was time to go.
Here's the wrap-up video, btw: