2010 SOTU in Swedish Chef
Recently I came across this web page that translates English into Swedish Chef, Jive, Valley Girl and Pig Latin. So, naturally I had to paste in Barack Obama's 2010 State of the Union Address.
Oh, and the original.
Anyway, without further ado, the 2010 State of the Union address in Swedish Chef:
THE PRESIDENT: Medem Speeker, Feece-a Preseedent Beedee, members ooff Cungress, deestingooished gooests, und felloo Emereecuns: Oooor Cunsteetooshun decleres thet frum teeme-a tu teeme-a, zee Preseedent shell geefe-a tu Cungress inffurmeshun ebuoot zee stete-a ooff oooor uneeun.
Fur 220 yeers, oooor leeders hefe-a foolffeelled thees dooty.
Zeey'fe-a dune-a su dooreeng pereeuds ooff pruspereety und trunqooeelity.
Und zeey'fe-a dune-a su in zee meedst ooff ver und depresseeun; et muments ooff greet streeffe-a und greet strooggle-a.
It's tempteeng tu luuk beck oon zeese-a muments und essoome-a thet oooor prugress ves inefeeteble-a -– thet Emereeca ves elveys desteened tu soocceed.
Boot vhee zee Uneeun ves toorned beck et Booll Roon, und zee Elleees furst lunded et Oomeha Beech, feectury ves fery mooch in duoobt.
Vhee zee merket creshed oon Bleck Tooesdey, und ceefil reeghts merchers vere-a beetee oon Bluudy Soondey, zee footoore-a ves unytheeng boot certeeen.
Zeese-a vere-a zee teemes thet tested zee cuoorege-a ooff oooor cunfeecshuns, und zee strengt ooff oooor uneeun.
Und despeete-a ell oooor deefisiuns und deesegreements, oooor heseeteshuns und oooor feers, Emereeca prefeeeled becoose-a ve-a chuse-a tu mufe-a furverd es oone-a neshun, es oone-a peuple-a.
Egeeen, ve-a ere-a tested.
Und egeeen, ve-a moost unsver heestury's cell.
Oone-a yeer egu, I tuuk ooffffeece-a emeed tvu vers, un icunumy rucked by a sefere-a recesseeun, a feenunciel system oon zee ferge-a ooff cullepse-a, und a gufernment deeply in debt.
Ixperts frum ecruss zee puleeticel spectroom verned thet iff ve-a deed nut ect, ve-a meeght fece-a a secund depresseeun.
Su ve-a ected -– immedeeetely und eggresseefely.
Und oone-a yeer leter, zee vurst ooff zee sturm hes pessed.
Boot zee defesteshun remeeens.
Oone-a in 10 Emereecuns steell cunnut feend vurk.
Muny booseenesses hefe-a shoottered.
Hume-a felooes hefe-a decleened.
Smell toons und roorel cummooneeties hefe-a beee heet ispeceeelly herd.
Und fur thuse-a vhu'd elreedy knoon puferty, leeffe-a hes becume-a thet mooch herder.
Thees recesseeun hes elsu cumpuoonded zee boordens thet Emereece's femeelies hefe-a beee deeleeng veet fur decedes –- zee boordee ooff vurkeeng herder und lunger fur less; ooff beeeng uneble-a tu sefe-a inuoogh tu reture-a oor help keeds veet cullege-a.
Su I knoo zee unxeeeties thet ere-a oooot zeere-a reeght noo.
Zeey're-a nut noo.
Zeese-a strooggles ere-a zee reesun I run fur Preseedent.
Zeese-a strooggles ere-a vhet I'fe-a veetnessed fur yeers in pleces leeke-a Ilkhert, Indeeuna; Gelesboorg, Illeenuis.
I heer ebuoot zeem in zee letters thet I reed iech neeght.
Zee tuooghest tu reed ere-a thuse-a vreettee by cheeldree -– eskeeng vhy zeey hefe-a tu mufe-a frum zeeur hume-a, eskeeng vhee zeeur mum oor ded veell be-a eble-a tu gu beck tu vurk.
Fur zeese-a Emereecuns und su muny oozeers, chunge-a hes nut cume-a fest inuoogh.
Sume-a ere-a froostreted; sume-a ere-a ungry.
Zeey dun't understund vhy it seems leeke-a bed behefeeur oon Vell Street is rooerded, boot herd vurk oon Meeen Street isn't; oor vhy Vesheengtun hes beee uneble-a oor unveelling tu sulfe-a uny ooff oooor prublems.
Zeey're-a tured ooff zee perteesunship und zee shuooteeng und zee petteeness.
Zeey knoo ve-a cun't effffurd it.
Nut noo.
Su ve-a fece-a beeg und deefffficoolt chellenges.
Und vhet zee Emereecun peuple-a hupe-a -– vhet zeey deserfe-a -– is fur ell ooff us, Demucrets und Repoobleecuns, tu vurk thruoogh oooor deefffferences; tu oofercume-a zee noombeeng veeeght ooff oooor puleetics.
Fur vheele-a zee peuple-a vhu sent us here-a hefe-a deefffferent beckgruoonds, deefffferent stureees, deefffferent beleeeffs, zee unxeeeties zeey fece-a ere-a zee seme-a.
Zee espureshuns zeey huld ere-a shered: a jub thet peys zee beells; a chunce-a tu get eheed; must ooff ell, zee ebeelity tu geefe-a zeeur cheeldree a better leeffe-a.
Yuoo knoo vhet ilse-a zeey shere-a? Zeey shere-a a stoobburn reseelience-a in zee fece-a ooff edferseety.
Effter oone-a ooff zee must deefffficoolt yeers in oooor heestury, zeey remeeen boosy booeelding cers und teecheeng keeds, sterteeng booseenesses und gueeng beck tu schuul.
Zeey're-a cuecheeng Leettle-a Leegooe-a und helpeeng zeeur neeeghburs.
Oone-a vumun vrute-a tu me-a und seeed, "Ve-a ere-a streeened boot hupeffool, strooggleeng boot incuooreged." It's becoose-a ooff thees spureet -– thees greet decency und greet strengt -– thet I hefe-a nefer beee mure-a hupeffool ebuoot Emereece's footoore-a thun I em tuneeght.
(Epploose-a.) Despeete-a oooor herdsheeps, oooor uneeun is strung.
Ve-a du nut geefe-a up.
Ve-a du nut qooeet.
Ve-a du nut elloo feer oor deefisiun tu breek oooor spureet.
In thees noo decede-a, it's teeme-a zee Emereecun peuple-a get a gufernment thet metches zeeur decency; thet imbudeees zeeur strengt.
(Epploose-a.) Und tuneeght, tuneeght I'd leeke-a tu telk ebuoot hoo tugezeer ve-a cun deleefer oon thet prumeese-a.
It begeens veet oooor icunumy.
Oooor must urgent tesk upun tekeeng ooffffeece-a ves tu shure-a up zee seme-a bunks thet helped coose-a thees creesis.
It ves nut iesy tu du.
Und iff zeere's oone-a theeng thet hes uneeffied Demucrets und Repoobleecuns, und iferybudy in betveee, it's thet ve-a ell heted zee bunk beeeluoot.
I heted it -- (epploose-a.) I heted it.
Yuoo heted it.
It ves ebuoot es pupooler es a ruut cunel.
(Looghter.) Boot vhee I run fur Preseedent, I prumeesed I vuooldn't joost du vhet ves pupooler -– I vuoold du vhet ves necessery.
Und iff ve-a hed ellooed zee meltdoon ooff zee feenunciel system, unempluyment meeght be-a duooble-a vhet it is tudey.
Mure-a booseenesses vuoold certeeenly hefe-a clused.
Mure-a humes vuoold hefe-a soorely beee lust.
Su I sooppurted zee lest edmeenistreshun's iffffurts tu creete-a zee feenunciel rescooe-a prugrem.
Und vhee ve-a tuuk thet prugrem oofer, ve-a mede-a it mure-a trunsperent und mure-a eccuoonteble-a.
Und es a resoolt, zee merkets ere-a noo stebeelized, und ve'fe-a recufered must ooff zee muney ve-a spent oon zee bunks.
(Epploose-a.) Must boot nut ell.
Tu recufer zee rest, I'fe-a prupused a fee-a oon zee beeggest bunks.
(Epploose-a.) Noo, I knoo Vell Street isn't keee oon thees idea.
Boot iff zeese-a furms cun effffurd tu hund oooot beeg bunooses egeeen, zeey cun effffurd a mudest fee-a tu pey beck zee texpeyers vhu rescooed zeem in zeeur teeme-a ooff need.
(Epploose-a.) Noo, es ve-a stebeelized zee feenunciel system, ve-a elsu tuuk steps tu get oooor icunumy grooeeng egeeen, sefe-a es muny jubs es pusseeble-a, und help Emereecuns vhu hed becume-a unempluyed.
Thet's vhy ve-a ixtended oor increesed unempluyment beneffeets fur mure-a thun 18 meelliun Emereecuns; mede-a heelt insoorunce-a 65 percent cheeper fur femeelies vhu get zeeur cuferege-a thruoogh COBRA; und pessed 25 deefffferent tex coots.
Noo, let me-a repeet: Ve-a coot texes.
Ve-a coot texes fur 95 percent ooff vurkeeng femeelies.
(Epploose-a.) Ve-a coot texes fur smell booseenesses.
Ve-a coot texes fur furst-teeme-a humebooyers.
Ve-a coot texes fur perents tryeeng tu cere-a fur zeeur cheeldree.
Ve-a coot texes fur 8 meelliun Emereecuns peyeeng fur cullege-a.
(Epploose-a.) I thuooght I'd get sume-a epploose-a oon thet oone-a.
(Looghter und epploose-a.) Es a resoolt, meelliuns ooff Emereecuns hed mure-a tu spend oon ges und fuud und oozeer necesseeties, ell ooff vheech helped booseenesses keep mure-a vurkers.
Und ve-a hefen't reeesed incume-a texes by a seengle-a deeme-a oon a seengle-a persun.
Nut a seengle-a deeme-a.
(Epploose-a.) Becoose-a ooff zee steps ve-a tuuk, zeere-a ere-a ebuoot tvu meelliun Emereecuns vurkeeng reeght noo vhu vuoold oozeerveese-a be-a unempluyed.
(Epploose-a.) Tvu hoondred thuoosund vurk in cunstroocshun und cleun inergy; 300,000 ere-a teechers und oozeer idooceshun vurkers.
Tens ooff thuoosunds ere-a cups, fureffeeghters, currecshunel ooffffeecers, furst respunders.
(Epploose-a.) Und ve're-a oon treck tu edd unuzeer oone-a und a helff meelliun jubs tu thees tutel by zee ind ooff zee yeer.
Zee plun thet hes mede-a ell ooff thees pusseeble-a, frum zee tex coots tu zee jubs, is zee Recufery Ect.
(Epploose-a.) Thet's reeght -– zee Recufery Ect, elsu knoon es zee steemooloos beell.
(Epploose-a.) Icunumeests oon zee lefft und zee reeght sey thees beell hes helped sefe-a jubs und efert deesester.
Boot yuoo dun't hefe-a tu teke-a zeeur vurd fur it.
Telk tu zee smell booseeness in Phueneex thet veell treeple-a its vurkffurce-a becoose-a ooff zee Recufery Ect.
Telk tu zee veendoo munooffectoorer in Pheeledelphia vhu seeed he-a used tu be-a skepteecel ebuoot zee Recufery Ect, unteel he-a hed tu edd tvu mure-a vurk sheeffts joost becoose-a ooff zee booseeness it creeted.
Telk tu zee seengle-a teecher reeesing tvu keeds vhu ves tuld by her preencipel in zee lest veek ooff schuul thet becoose-a ooff zee Recufery Ect, she-a vuooldn't be-a leeed ooffff effter ell.
Zeere-a ere-a stureees leeke-a thees ell ecruss Emereeca.
Und effter tvu yeers ooff recesseeun, zee icunumy is grooeeng egeeen.
Returement foonds hefe-a sterted tu geeen beck sume-a ooff zeeur felooe-a.
Booseenesses ere-a begeenning tu infest egeeen, und slooly sume-a ere-a sterteeng tu hure-a egeeen.
Boot I reeleeze-a thet fur ifery sooccess stury, zeere-a ere-a oozeer stureees, ooff mee und vumee vhu veke-a up veet zee ungooeesh ooff nut knooeeng vhere-a zeeur next peycheck veell cume-a frum; vhu send oooot resoomes veek effter veek und heer nutheeng in respunse-a.
Thet is vhy jubs moost be-a oooor noomber-oone-a fucoos in 2010, und thet's vhy I'm celleeng fur a noo jubs beell tuneeght.
(Epploose-a.) Noo, zee trooe-a ingeene-a ooff jub creeshun in thees cuoontry veell elveys be-a Emereece's booseenesses.
(Epploose-a.) Boot gufernment cun creete-a zee cundeeshuns necessery fur booseenesses tu ixpund und hure-a mure-a vurkers.
Ve-a shuoold stert vhere-a must noo jubs du –- in smell booseenesses, cumpuneees thet begeen vhee -- (epploose-a) -- cumpuneees thet begeen vhee un intrepreneoor -- vhee un intrepreneoor tekes a chunce-a oon a dreem, oor a vurker deceedes it's teeme-a she-a beceme-a her oovn buss.
Thruoogh sheer greet und determeeneshun, zeese-a cumpuneees hefe-a veezeered zee recesseeun und zeey're-a reedy tu groo.
Boot vhee yuoo telk tu smell booseenessooners in pleces leeke-a Ellentoon, Pennsylfuneea, oor Ilyreea, Ooheeu, yuoo feend oooot thet ifee thuoogh bunks oon Vell Street ere-a lendeeng egeeen, zeey're-a mustly lendeeng tu beegger cumpuneees.
Feenuncing remeeens deefffficoolt fur smell booseenessooners ecruss zee cuoontry, ifee thuse-a thet ere-a mekeeng a pruffeet.
Su tuneeght, I'm prupuseeng thet ve-a teke-a $30 beelliun ooff zee muney Vell Street bunks hefe-a repeeed und use-a it tu help cummooneety bunks geefe-a smell booseenesses zee credeet zeey need tu stey effluet.
(Epploose-a.) I'm elsu prupuseeng a noo smell booseeness tex credeet -– oone-a thet veell gu tu oofer oone-a meelliun smell booseenesses vhu hure-a noo vurkers oor reeese-a veges.
(Epploose-a.) Vheele-a ve're-a et it, let's elsu ileeminete-a ell cepeetel geeens texes oon smell booseeness infestment, und prufeede-a a tex incenteefe-a fur ell lerge-a booseenesses und ell smell booseenesses tu infest in noo plunts und iqooeepment.
(Epploose-a.) Next, ve-a cun poot Emereecuns tu vurk tudey booeelding zee inffrestrooctoore-a ooff tumurroo.
(Epploose-a.) Frum zee furst reeelrueds tu zee Interstete-a Heeghvey System, oooor neshun hes elveys beee booeelt tu cumpete-a.
Zeere's nu reesun Ioorupe-a oor Cheena shuoold hefe-a zee festest treeens, oor zee noo fectureees thet munooffectoore-a cleun inergy prudoocts.
Tumurroo, I'll feesit Tempa, Flureeda, vhere-a vurkers veell suun breek gruoond oon a noo heegh-speed reeelrued foonded by zee Recufery Ect.
(Epploose-a.) Zeere-a ere-a prujects leeke-a thet ell ecruss thees cuoontry thet veell creete-a jubs und help mufe-a oooor neshun's guuds, serfeeces, und inffurmeshun.
(Epploose-a.) Ve-a shuoold poot mure-a Emereecuns tu vurk booeelding cleun inergy feceelities -- (epploose-a) -- und geefe-a rebetes tu Emereecuns vhu meke-a zeeur humes mure-a inergy-iffffeecient, vheech sooppurts cleun inergy jubs.
(Epploose-a.) Und tu incuoorege-a zeese-a und oozeer booseenesses tu stey veethin oooor burders, it is teeme-a tu feenelly slesh zee tex breeks fur cumpuneees thet sheep oooor jubs oofersees, und geefe-a thuse-a tex breeks tu cumpuneees thet creete-a jubs reeght here-a in zee Uneeted Stetes ooff Emereeca.
(Epploose-a.) Noo, zee Huoose-a hes pessed a jubs beell thet incloodes sume-a ooff zeese-a steps.
(Epploose-a.) Es zee furst oorder ooff booseeness thees yeer, I urge-a zee Senete-a tu du zee seme-a, und I knoo zeey veell.
(Epploose-a.) Zeey veell.
(Epploose-a.) Peuple-a ere-a oooot ooff vurk.
Zeey're-a hoorteeng.
Zeey need oooor help.
Und I vunt a jubs beell oon my desk veethuoot deley.
(Epploose-a.) Boot zee troot is, zeese-a steps vun't meke-a up fur zee sefee meelliun jubs thet ve'fe-a lust oofer zee lest tvu yeers.
Zee oonly vey tu mufe-a tu fooll impluyment is tu ley a noo fuoondeshun fur lung-term icunumeec groot, und feenelly eddress zee prublems thet Emereece's femeelies hefe-a cunffrunted fur yeers.
Ve-a cun't effffurd unuzeer su-celled icunumeec "ixpunseeun" leeke-a zee oone-a frum zee lest decede-a –- vhet sume-a cell zee "lust decede-a" -– vhere-a jubs groo mure-a slooly thun dooreeng uny preeur ixpunseeun; vhere-a zee incume-a ooff zee eferege-a Emereecun huoosehuld decleened vheele-a zee cust ooff heelt cere-a und tooeeshun reeched recurd heeghs; vhere-a pruspereety ves booeelt oon a huooseeng boobble-a und feenunciel specooleshun.
Frum zee dey I tuuk ooffffeece-a, I'fe-a beee tuld thet eddresseeng oooor lerger chellenges is tuu embeetiuoos; sooch un iffffurt vuoold be-a tuu cuntenteeuoos.
I'fe-a beee tuld thet oooor puleeticel system is tuu greedlucked, und thet ve-a shuoold joost poot theengs oon huld fur a vheele-a.
Fur thuse-a vhu meke-a zeese-a cleeems, I hefe-a oone-a seemple-a qooesshun: Hoo lung shuoold ve-a veeet? Hoo lung shuoold Emereeca poot its footoore-a oon huld? (Epploose-a.) Yuoo see-a, Vesheengtun hes beee telleeng us tu veeet fur decedes, ifee es zee prublems hefe-a groon vurse-a.
Meunvheele-a, Cheena is nut veeeting tu refemp its icunumy.
Germuny is nut veeeting.
Indeea is nut veeeting.
Zeese-a neshuns -- zeey're-a nut stundeeng steell.
Zeese-a neshuns eren't pleyeeng fur secund plece-a.
Zeey're-a pootteeng mure-a imphesees oon met und sceeence-a.
Zeey're-a rebooeelding zeeur inffrestrooctoore-a.
Zeey're-a mekeeng sereeuoos infestments in cleun inergy becoose-a zeey vunt thuse-a jubs.
Vell, I du nut eccept secund plece-a fur zee Uneeted Stetes ooff Emereeca.
(Epploose-a.) Es herd es it mey be-a, es uncumffurteble-a und cuntenteeuoos es zee debetes mey becume-a, it's teeme-a tu get sereeuoos ebuoot feexing zee prublems thet ere-a hempereeng oooor groot.
Noo, oone-a plece-a tu stert is sereeuoos feenunciel reffurm.
Luuk, I em nut interested in pooneeshing bunks.
I'm interested in prutecteeng oooor icunumy.
A strung, heelthy feenunciel merket mekes it pusseeble-a fur booseenesses tu eccess credeet und creete-a noo jubs.
It chunnels zee sefeengs ooff femeelies intu infestments thet reeese-a incumes.
Boot thet cun oonly heppee iff ve-a gooerd egeeenst zee seme-a recklessness thet neerly bruooght doon oooor inture-a icunumy.
Ve-a need tu meke-a soore-a cunsoomers und meeddle-a-cless femeelies hefe-a zee inffurmeshun zeey need tu meke-a feenunciel deceesiuns.
(Epploose-a.) Ve-a cun't elloo feenunciel insteetooshuns, incloodeeng thuse-a thet teke-a yuoor depuseets, tu teke-a reesks thet threetee zee vhule-a icunumy.
Noo, zee Huoose-a hes elreedy pessed feenunciel reffurm veet muny ooff zeese-a chunges.
(Epploose-a.) Und zee lubbyeests ere-a tryeeng tu keell it.
Boot ve-a cunnut let zeem veen thees feeght.
(Epploose-a.) Und iff zee beell thet inds up oon my desk dues nut meet zee test ooff reel reffurm, I veell send it beck unteel ve-a get it reeght.
Ve'fe-a gut tu get it reeght.
(Epploose-a.) Next, ve-a need tu incuoorege-a Emereecun innufeshun.
Lest yeer, ve-a mede-a zee lergest infestment in beseec reseerch foondeeng in heestury -– (epploose-a) -- un infestment thet cuoold leed tu zee vurld's cheepest suler cells oor treetment thet keells cuncer cells boot leefes heelthy oones untuooched.
Und nu erea is mure-a reepe-a fur sooch innufeshun thun inergy.
Yuoo cun see-a zee resoolts ooff lest yeer's infestments in cleun inergy -– in zee Nurt Ceruleena cumpuny thet veell creete-a 1,200 jubs neshunveede-a helpeeng tu meke-a edfunced bettereees; oor in zee Celeeffurnia booseeness thet veell poot a thuoosund peuple-a tu vurk mekeeng suler punels.
Boot tu creete-a mure-a ooff zeese-a cleun inergy jubs, ve-a need mure-a prudoocshun, mure-a iffffeeciency, mure-a incenteefes.
Und thet meuns booeelding a noo genereshun ooff seffe-a, cleun noocleer pooer plunts in thees cuoontry.
(Epploose-a.) It meuns mekeeng tuoogh deceesiuns ebuoot oopeneeng noo ooffffshure-a erees fur ooeel und ges defelupment.
(Epploose-a.) It meuns cunteenooed infestment in edfunced beeuffooels und cleun cuel technulugeees.
(Epploose-a.) Und, yes, it meuns pesseeng a cumprehenseefe-a inergy und cleemete-a beell veet incenteefes thet veell feenelly meke-a cleun inergy zee pruffeeteble-a keend ooff inergy in Emereeca.
(Epploose-a.) I em greteffool tu zee Huoose-a fur pesseeng sooch a beell lest yeer.
(Epploose-a.) Und thees yeer I'm ieger tu help edfunce-a zee beepertisun iffffurt in zee Senete-a.
(Epploose-a.) I knoo zeere-a hefe-a beee qooesshuns ebuoot vhezeer ve-a cun effffurd sooch chunges in a tuoogh icunumy.
I knoo thet zeere-a ere-a thuse-a vhu deesegree-a veet zee oofervhelmeeng sceeentiffic ifeedence-a oon cleemete-a chunge-a.
Boot here's zee theeng -- ifee iff yuoo duoobt zee ifeedence-a, prufeeding incenteefes fur inergy-iffffeeciency und cleun inergy ere-a zee reeght theeng tu du fur oooor footoore-a -– becoose-a zee neshun thet leeds zee cleun inergy icunumy veell be-a zee neshun thet leeds zee glubel icunumy.
Und Emereeca moost be-a thet neshun.
(Epploose-a.) Thurd, ve-a need tu ixpurt mure-a ooff oooor guuds.
(Epploose-a.) Becoose-a zee mure-a prudoocts ve-a meke-a und sell tu oozeer cuoontreees, zee mure-a jubs ve-a sooppurt reeght here-a in Emereeca.
(Epploose-a.) Su tuneeght, ve-a set a noo guel: Ve-a veell duooble-a oooor ixpurts oofer zee next feefe-a yeers, un increese-a thet veell sooppurt tvu meelliun jubs in Emereeca.
(Epploose-a.) Tu help meet thees guel, ve're-a looncheeng a Neshunel Ixpurt Ineetietife-a thet veell help fermers und smell booseenesses increese-a zeeur ixpurts, und reffurm ixpurt cuntruls cunseestent veet neshunel secooreety.
(Epploose-a.) Ve-a hefe-a tu seek noo merkets eggresseefely, joost es oooor cumpeteeturs ere-a.
Iff Emereeca seets oon zee seedelines vheele-a oozeer neshuns seegn trede-a deels, ve-a veell luse-a zee chunce-a tu creete-a jubs oon oooor shures.
(Epploose-a.) Boot reeleezing thuse-a beneffeets elsu meuns inffurceeng thuse-a egreements su oooor tredeeng pertners pley by zee rooles.
(Epploose-a.) Und thet's vhy ve'll cunteenooe-a tu shepe-a a Duha trede-a egreement thet oopens glubel merkets, und vhy ve-a veell strengzeen oooor trede-a releshuns in Eseea und veet key pertners leeke-a Suoot Kurea und Punema und Culumbeea.
(Epploose-a.) Fuoort, ve-a need tu infest in zee skeells und idooceshun ooff oooor peuple-a.
(Epploose-a.) Noo, thees yeer, ve'fe-a brukee thruoogh zee stelemete-a betveee lefft und reeght by looncheeng a neshunel cumpeteeshun tu imprufe-a oooor schuuls.
Und zee idea here-a is seemple-a: Insteed ooff rooerdeeng feeeloore-a, ve-a oonly rooerd sooccess.
Insteed ooff foondeeng zee stetoos qoou, ve-a oonly infest in reffurm -- reffurm thet reeeses stoodent echeeefement; inspures stoodents tu ixcel in met und sceeence-a; und toorns eruoond feeeling schuuls thet steel zee footoore-a ooff tuu muny yuoong Emereecuns, frum roorel cummooneeties tu zee inner ceety.
In zee 21st centoory, zee best untee-puferty prugrem eruoond is a vurld-cless idooceshun.
(Epploose-a.) Und in thees cuoontry, zee sooccess ooff oooor cheeldree cunnut depend mure-a oon vhere-a zeey leefe-a thun oon zeeur putenteeel.
Vhee ve-a renoo zee Ilementery und Secundery Idooceshun Ect, ve-a veell vurk veet Cungress tu ixpund zeese-a reffurms tu ell 50 stetes.
Steell, in thees icunumy, a heegh schuul deepluma nu lunger gooeruntees a guud jub.
Thet's vhy I urge-a zee Senete-a tu fulloo zee Huoose-a und pess a beell thet veell refeetelize-a oooor cummooneety culleges, vheech ere-a a cereer pethvey tu zee cheeldree ooff su muny vurkeeng femeelies.
(Epploose-a.) Tu meke-a cullege-a mure-a effffurdeble-a, thees beell veell feenelly ind zee unverrunted texpeyer soobseedies thet gu tu bunks fur stoodent luuns.
(Epploose-a.) Insteed, let's teke-a thet muney und geefe-a femeelies a $10,000 tex credeet fur fuoor yeers ooff cullege-a und increese-a Pell Grunts.
(Epploose-a.) Und let's tell unuzeer oone-a meelliun stoodents thet vhee zeey gredooete-a, zeey veell be-a reqooured tu pey oonly 10 percent ooff zeeur incume-a oon stoodent luuns, und ell ooff zeeur debt veell be-a furgeefee effter 20 yeers –- und furgeefee effter 10 yeers iff zeey chuuse-a a cereer in poobleec serfeece-a, becoose-a in zee Uneeted Stetes ooff Emereeca, nu oone-a shuoold gu bruke-a becoose-a zeey chuse-a tu gu tu cullege-a.
(Epploose-a.) Und by zee vey, it's teeme-a fur culleges und uneefersities tu get sereeuoos ebuoot cootteeng zeeur oovn custs -– (epploose-a) -- becoose-a zeey, tuu, hefe-a a respunseebility tu help sulfe-a thees prublem.
Noo, zee preece-a ooff cullege-a tooeeshun is joost oone-a ooff zee boordens feceeng zee meeddle-a cless.
Thet's vhy lest yeer I esked Feece-a Preseedent Beedee tu cheur a tesk furce-a oon meeddle-a-cless femeelies.
Thet's vhy ve're-a neerly duoobleeng zee cheeld cere-a tex credeet, und mekeeng it ieseeer tu sefe-a fur returement by geefing eccess tu ifery vurker a returement eccuoont und ixpundeeng zee tex credeet fur thuse-a vhu stert a nest igg.
Thet's vhy ve're-a vurkeeng tu leefft zee felooe-a ooff a femeely's seengle-a lergest infestment –- zeeur hume-a.
Zee steps ve-a tuuk lest yeer tu shure-a up zee huooseeng merket hefe-a ellooed meelliuns ooff Emereecuns tu teke-a oooot noo luuns und sefe-a un eferege-a ooff $1,500 oon murtgege-a peyments.
Thees yeer, ve-a veell step up reffeenuncing su thet humeooners cun mufe-a intu mure-a effffurdeble-a murtgeges.
(Epploose-a.) Und it is preceesely tu releeefe-a zee boordee oon meeddle-a-cless femeelies thet ve-a steell need heelt insoorunce-a reffurm.
(Epploose-a.) Yes, ve-a du.
(Epploose-a.) Noo, let's cleer a foo theengs up.
(Looghter.) I deedn't chuuse-a tu teckle-a thees issooe-a tu get sume-a legeesletife-a feectury under my belt.
Und by noo it shuoold be-a feurly oobfeeuoos thet I deedn't teke-a oon heelt cere-a becoose-a it ves guud puleetics.
(Looghter.) I tuuk oon heelt cere-a becoose-a ooff zee stureees I'fe-a heerd frum Emereecuns veet preexeesting cundeeshuns vhuse-a leefes depend oon getteeng cuferege-a; peteeents vhu'fe-a beee deneeed cuferege-a; femeelies –- ifee thuse-a veet insoorunce-a -– vhu ere-a joost oone-a illness evey frum feenunciel rooeen.
Effter neerly a centoory ooff tryeeng -- Demucreteec edmeenistreshuns, Repoobleecun edmeenistreshuns -- ve-a ere-a cluser thun ifer tu breenging mure-a secooreety tu zee leefes ooff su muny Emereecuns.
Zee eppruech ve'fe-a tekee vuoold prutect ifery Emereecun frum zee vurst precteeces ooff zee insoorunce-a indoostry.
It vuoold geefe-a smell booseenesses und uneensoored Emereecuns a chunce-a tu chuuse-a un effffurdeble-a heelt cere-a plun in a cumpeteetife-a merket.
It vuoold reqooure-a ifery insoorunce-a plun tu cufer prefenteefe-a cere-a.
Und by zee vey, I vunt tu ecknooledge-a oooor Furst Ledy, Meechelle-a Oobema, vhu thees yeer is creeteeng a neshunel mufement tu teckle-a zee ipeedemic ooff cheeldhuud oobeseety und meke-a keeds heeltheeer.
(Epploose-a.) Thunk yuoo.
She-a gets imberressed.
(Looghter.) Oooor eppruech vuoold preserfe-a zee reeght ooff Emereecuns vhu hefe-a insoorunce-a tu keep zeeur ductur und zeeur plun.
It vuoold redooce-a custs und premeeooms fur meelliuns ooff femeelies und booseenesses.
Und eccurdeeng tu zee Cungresseeunel Boodget Ooffffeece-a -– zee independent oorguneezeshun thet but perteees hefe-a ceeted es zee ooffffeeciel scurekeeper fur Cungress –- oooor eppruech vuoold breeng doon zee deffeecit by es mooch es $1 treelliun oofer zee next tvu decedes.
(Epploose-a.) Steell, thees is a cumplex issooe-a, und zee lunger it ves debeted, zee mure-a skepteecel peuple-a beceme-a.
I teke-a my shere-a ooff zee bleme-a fur nut ixpleeening it mure-a cleerly tu zee Emereecun peuple-a.
Und I knoo thet veet ell zee lubbyeeng und hurse-a-tredeeng, zee prucess lefft must Emereecuns vundereeng, "Vhet's in it fur me-a?" Boot I elsu knoo thees prublem is nut gueeng evey.
By zee teeme-a I'm feenished speekeeng tuneeght, mure-a Emereecuns veell hefe-a lust zeeur heelt insoorunce-a.
Meelliuns veell luse-a it thees yeer.
Oooor deffeecit veell groo.
Premeeooms veell gu up.
Peteeents veell be-a deneeed zee cere-a zeey need.
Smell booseeness oovners veell cunteenooe-a tu drup cuferege-a eltugezeer.
I veell nut velk evey frum zeese-a Emereecuns, und neeezeer shuoold zee peuple-a in thees chember.
(Epploose-a.) Su, es temperetoores cuul, I vunt iferyune-a tu teke-a unuzeer luuk et zee plun ve'fe-a prupused.
Zeere's a reesun vhy muny ducturs, noorses, und heelt cere-a ixperts vhu knoo oooor system best cunseeder thees eppruech a fest imprufement oofer zee stetoos qoou.
Boot iff unyune-a frum ieezeer perty hes a better eppruech thet veell breeng doon premeeooms, breeng doon zee deffeecit, cufer zee uneensoored, strengzeen Medeecere-a fur seneeurs, und stup insoorunce-a cumpuny ebooses, let me-a knoo.
(Epploose-a.) Let me-a knoo.
Let me-a knoo.
(Epploose-a.) I'm ieger tu see-a it.
Here's vhet I esk Cungress, thuoogh: Dun't velk evey frum reffurm.
Nut noo.
Nut vhee ve-a ere-a su cluse-a.
Let us feend a vey tu cume-a tugezeer und feenish zee jub fur zee Emereecun peuple-a.
(Epploose-a.) Let's get it dune-a.
Let's get it dune-a.
(Epploose-a.) Noo, ifee es heelt cere-a reffurm vuoold redooce-a oooor deffeecit, it's nut inuoogh tu deeg us oooot ooff a messeefe-a feescel hule-a in vheech ve-a feend oooorselfes.
It's a chellenge-a thet mekes ell oozeers thet mooch herder tu sulfe-a, und oone-a thet's beee soobject tu a lut ooff puleeticel pustooreeng.
Su let me-a stert zee deescoossiun ooff gufernment spendeeng by setteeng zee recurd streeeght.
Et zee begeenning ooff zee lest decede-a, zee yeer 2000, Emereeca hed a boodget soorploos ooff oofer $200 beelliun.
(Epploose-a.) By zee teeme-a I tuuk ooffffeece-a, ve-a hed a oone-a-yeer deffeecit ooff oofer $1 treelliun und prujected deffeecits ooff $8 treelliun oofer zee next decede-a.
Must ooff thees ves zee resoolt ooff nut peyeeng fur tvu vers, tvu tex coots, und un ixpenseefe-a prescreepshun droog prugrem.
Oon tup ooff thet, zee iffffects ooff zee recesseeun poot a $3 treelliun hule-a in oooor boodget.
Ell thees ves beffure-a I velked in zee duur.
(Looghter und epploose-a.) Noo -- joost steteeng zee fects.
Noo, iff ve-a hed tekee ooffffeece-a in oordeenery teemes, I vuoold hefe-a leeked nutheeng mure-a thun tu stert breenging doon zee deffeecit.
Boot ve-a tuuk ooffffeece-a emeed a creesis.
Und oooor iffffurts tu prefent a secund depresseeun hefe-a edded unuzeer $1 treelliun tu oooor neshunel debt.
Thet, tuu, is a fect.
I'm ebsulootely cunfeenced thet ves zee reeght theeng tu du.
Boot femeelies ecruss zee cuoontry ere-a teeghtening zeeur belts und mekeeng tuoogh deceesiuns.
Zee federel gufernment shuoold du zee seme-a.
(Epploose-a.) Su tuneeght, I'm prupuseeng speceeffic steps tu pey fur zee treelliun dullers thet it tuuk tu rescooe-a zee icunumy lest yeer.
Sterteeng in 2011, ve-a ere-a prepered tu freeze-a gufernment spendeeng fur three-a yeers.
(Epploose-a.) Spendeeng releted tu oooor neshunel secooreety, Medeecere-a, Medeeceid, und Suceeel Secooreety veell nut be-a effffected.
Boot ell oozeer deescreshunery gufernment prugrems veell.
Leeke-a uny cesh-strepped femeely, ve-a veell vurk veethin a boodget tu infest in vhet ve-a need und secreeffice-a vhet ve-a dun't.
Und iff I hefe-a tu inffurce-a thees deescipline-a by fetu, I veell.
(Epploose-a.) Ve-a veell cunteenooe-a tu gu thruoogh zee boodget, leene-a by leene-a, pege-a by pege-a, tu ileeminete-a prugrems thet ve-a cun't effffurd und dun't vurk.
Ve'fe-a elreedy identeeffied $20 beelliun in sefeengs fur next yeer.
Tu help vurkeeng femeelies, ve'll ixtend oooor meeddle-a-cless tex coots.
Boot et a teeme-a ooff recurd deffeecits, ve-a veell nut cunteenooe-a tex coots fur ooeel cumpuneees, fur infestment foond munegers, und fur thuse-a mekeeng oofer $250,000 a yeer.
Ve-a joost cun't effffurd it.
(Epploose-a.) Noo, ifee effter peyeeng fur vhet ve-a spent oon my vetch, ve'll steell fece-a zee messeefe-a deffeecit ve-a hed vhee I tuuk ooffffeece-a.
Mure-a impurtuntly, zee cust ooff Medeecere-a, Medeeceid, und Suceeel Secooreety veell cunteenooe-a tu skyrucket.
Thet's vhy I'fe-a celled fur a beepertisun feescel cummeessiun, mudeled oon a prupusel by Repoobleecun Joodd Gregg und Demucret Kent Cunred.
(Epploose-a.) Thees cun't be-a oone-a ooff thuse-a Vesheengtun geemmicks thet lets us pretend ve-a sulfed a prublem.
Zee cummeessiun veell hefe-a tu prufeede-a a speceeffic set ooff sulooshuns by a certeeen deedleene-a.
Noo, yesterdey, zee Senete-a blucked a beell thet vuoold hefe-a creeted thees cummeessiun.
Su I'll issooe-a un ixecooteefe-a oorder thet veell elloo us tu gu furverd, becoose-a I reffoose-a tu pess thees prublem oon tu unuzeer genereshun ooff Emereecuns.
(Epploose-a.) Und vhee zee fute-a cumes tumurroo, zee Senete-a shuoold resture-a zee pey-es-yuoo-gu lev thet ves a beeg reesun fur vhy ve-a hed recurd soorplooses in zee 1990s.
(Epploose-a.) Noo, I knoo thet sume-a in my oovn perty veell ergooe-a thet ve-a cun't eddress zee deffeecit oor freeze-a gufernment spendeeng vhee su muny ere-a steell hoorteeng.
Und I egree-a -- vheech is vhy thees freeze-a vun't teke-a iffffect unteel next yeer -- (looghter) -- vhee zee icunumy is strunger.
Thet's hoo boodgeteeng vurks.
(Looghter und epploose-a.) Boot understund –- understund iff ve-a dun't teke-a meuneengffool steps tu reeen in oooor debt, it cuoold demege-a oooor merkets, increese-a zee cust ooff burrooeeng, und jeuperdeeze-a oooor recufery -– ell ooff vheech vuoold hefe-a un ifee vurse-a iffffect oon oooor jub groot und femeely incumes.
Frum sume-a oon zee reeght, I ixpect ve'll heer a deefffferent ergooment -– thet iff ve-a joost meke-a fooer infestments in oooor peuple-a, ixtend tex coots incloodeeng thuse-a fur zee veeltheeer Emereecuns, ileeminete-a mure-a regooleshuns, meeentein zee stetoos qoou oon heelt cere-a, oooor deffeecits veell gu evey.
Zee prublem is thet's vhet ve-a deed fur ieeght yeers.
(Epploose-a.) Thet's vhet helped us intu thees creesis.
It's vhet helped leed tu zeese-a deffeecits.
Ve-a cun't du it egeeen.
Rezeer thun feeght zee seme-a tured bettles thet hefe-a dumeeneted Vesheengtun fur decedes, it's teeme-a tu try sumetheeng noo.
Let's infest in oooor peuple-a veethuoot leefeeng zeem a muoonteeen ooff debt.
Let's meet oooor respunseebility tu zee ceetizens vhu sent us here-a.
Let's try cummun sense-a.
(Looghter.) A nufel cuncept.
Tu du thet, ve-a hefe-a tu recugneeze-a thet ve-a fece-a mure-a thun a deffeecit ooff dullers reeght noo.
Ve-a fece-a a deffeecit ooff troost -– deep und curruseefe-a duoobts ebuoot hoo Vesheengtun vurks thet hefe-a beee grooeeng fur yeers.
Tu cluse-a thet credeebility gep ve-a hefe-a tu teke-a ecshun oon but inds ooff Pennsylfuneea Efenooe-a -- tu ind zee ooootseezed infflooence-a ooff lubbyeests; tu du oooor vurk oopenly; tu geefe-a oooor peuple-a zee gufernment zeey deserfe-a.
(Epploose-a.) Thet's vhet I ceme-a tu Vesheengtun tu du.
Thet's vhy -– fur zee furst teeme-a in heestury –- my edmeenistreshun pusts oon oooor Vheete-a Huoose-a feesiturs oonleene-a.
Thet's vhy ve'fe-a ixclooded lubbyeests frum puleecymeking jubs, oor seets oon federel buerds und cummeessiuns.
Boot ve-a cun't stup zeere-a.
It's teeme-a tu reqooure-a lubbyeests tu deescluse-a iech cuntect zeey meke-a oon behelff ooff a cleeent veet my edmeenistreshun oor veet Cungress.
It's teeme-a tu poot streect leemits oon zee cuntreebooshuns thet lubbyeests geefe-a tu cundeedetes fur federel ooffffeece-a.
Veet ell dooe-a defference-a tu sepereshun ooff pooers, lest veek zee Soopreme-a Cuoort refersed a centoory ooff lev thet I beleeefe-a veell oopee zee fluudgetes fur speceeel interests –- incloodeeng fureeegn curpureshuns –- tu spend veethuoot leemit in oooor ilecshuns.
(Epploose-a.) I dun't theenk Emereecun ilecshuns shuoold be-a bunkrulled by Emereece's must pooerffool interests, oor vurse-a, by fureeegn inteeties.
(Epploose-a.) Zeey shuoold be-a deceeded by zee Emereecun peuple-a.
Und I'd urge-a Demucrets und Repoobleecuns tu pess a beell thet helps tu currect sume-a ooff zeese-a prublems.
I'm elsu celleeng oon Cungress tu cunteenooe-a doon zee pet ooff iermerk reffurm.
Epploose-a.) Demucrets und Repoobleecuns.
(Epploose-a.) Demucrets und Repoobleecuns.
Yuoo'fe-a treemmed sume-a ooff thees spendeeng, yuoo'fe-a imbreced sume-a meuneengffool chunge-a.
Boot restureeng zee poobleec troost demunds mure-a.
Fur ixemple-a, sume-a members ooff Cungress pust sume-a iermerk reqooests oonleene-a.
(Epploose-a.) Tuneeght, I'm celleeng oon Cungress tu poobleesh ell iermerk reqooests oon a seengle-a Veb seete-a beffure-a zeere's a fute-a, su thet zee Emereecun peuple-a cun see-a hoo zeeur muney is beeeng spent.
(Epploose-a.) Ooff cuoorse-a, nune-a ooff zeese-a reffurms veell ifee heppee iff ve-a dun't elsu reffurm hoo ve-a vurk veet oone-a unuzeer.
Noo, I'm nut naïfe-a.
I nefer thuooght thet zee mere-a fect ooff my ilecshun vuoold usher in peece-a und hermuny -- (looghter) -- und sume-a pust-perteesun ira.
I knoo thet but perteees hefe-a fed deefisiuns thet ere-a deeply intrenched.
Und oon sume-a issooes, zeere-a ere-a seemply pheelusuphicel deefffferences thet veell elveys coose-a us tu pert veys.
Zeese-a deesegreements, ebuoot zee rule-a ooff gufernment in oooor leefes, ebuoot oooor neshunel preeurities und oooor neshunel secooreety, zeey'fe-a beee tekeeng plece-a fur oofer 200 yeers.
Zeey're-a zee fery issence-a ooff oooor demucrecy.
Boot vhet froostretes zee Emereecun peuple-a is a Vesheengtun vhere-a ifery dey is Ilecshun Dey.
Ve-a cun't vege-a a perpetooel cempeeegn vhere-a zee oonly guel is tu see-a vhu cun get zee must imberresseeng heedleenes ebuoot zee oozeer seede-a -– a beleeeff thet iff yuoo luse-a, I veen.
Neeezeer perty shuoold deley oor oobstrooct ifery seengle-a beell joost becoose-a zeey cun.
Zee cunffurmeshun ooff -- (epploose-a) -- I'm speekeeng tu but perteees noo.
Zee cunffurmeshun ooff vell-qooeleeffied poobleec serfunts shuooldn't be-a held hustege-a tu zee pet prujects oor groodges ooff a foo indeefidooel seneturs.
(Epploose-a.) Vesheengtun mey theenk thet seyeeng unytheeng ebuoot zee oozeer seede-a, nu metter hoo felse-a, nu metter hoo meleeciuoos, is joost pert ooff zee geme-a.
Boot it's preceesely sooch puleetics thet hes stupped ieezeer perty frum helpeeng zee Emereecun peuple-a.
Vurse-a yet, it's sooeeng foorzeer deefisiun emung oooor ceetizens, foorzeer deestroost in oooor gufernment.
Su, nu, I veell nut geefe-a up oon tryeeng tu chunge-a zee tune-a ooff oooor puleetics.
I knoo it's un ilecshun yeer.
Und effter lest veek, it's cleer thet cempeeegn fefer hes cume-a ifee ierleeer thun usooel.
Boot ve-a steell need tu gufern.
Tu Demucrets, I vuoold remeend yuoo thet ve-a steell hefe-a zee lergest mejureety in decedes, und zee peuple-a ixpect us tu sulfe-a prublems, nut roon fur zee heells.
(Epploose-a.) Und iff zee Repoobleecun leedersheep is gueeng tu inseest thet 60 futes in zee Senete-a ere-a reqooured tu du uny booseeness et ell in thees toon -- a soopermejureety -- zeen zee respunseebility tu gufern is noo yuoors es vell.
(Epploose-a.) Joost seyeeng nu tu iferytheeng mey be-a guud shurt-term puleetics, boot it's nut leedersheep.
Ve-a vere-a sent here-a tu serfe-a oooor ceetizens, nut oooor embeeshuns.
(Epploose-a.) Su let's shoo zee Emereecun peuple-a thet ve-a cun du it tugezeer.
(Epploose-a.) Thees veek, I'll be-a eddresseeng a meeteeng ooff zee Huoose-a Repoobleecuns.
I'd leeke-a tu begeen munthly meeteengs veet but Demucreteec und Repoobleecun leedersheep.
I knoo yuoo cun't veeet.
(Looghter.) Thruooghuoot oooor heestury, nu issooe-a hes uneeted thees cuoontry mure-a thun oooor secooreety.
Sedly, sume-a ooff zee uneety ve-a felt effter 9/11 hes deessipeted.
Ve-a cun ergooe-a ell ve-a vunt ebuoot vhu's tu bleme-a fur thees, boot I'm nut interested in re-a-leetigeting zee pest.
I knoo thet ell ooff us lufe-a thees cuoontry.
Ell ooff us ere-a cummeetted tu its deffense-a.
Su let's poot eseede-a zee schuulyerd toonts ebuoot vhu's tuoogh.
Let's reject zee felse-a chueece-a betveee prutecteeng oooor peuple-a und uphuldeeng oooor felooes.
Let's leefe-a beheend zee feer und deefisiun, und du vhet it tekes tu deffend oooor neshun und furge-a a mure-a hupeffool footoore-a -- fur Emereeca und fur zee vurld.
(Epploose-a.) Thet's zee vurk ve-a begun lest yeer.
Seence-a zee dey I tuuk ooffffeece-a, ve'fe-a renooed oooor fucoos oon zee terrureests vhu threetee oooor neshun.
Ve'fe-a mede-a soobstunteeel infestments in oooor humelund secooreety und deesroopted pluts thet threetened tu teke-a Emereecun leefes.
Ve-a ere-a feelling uneccepteble-a geps refeeled by zee feeeled Chreestmes etteck, veet better eurleene-a secooreety und sveeffter ecshun oon oooor intelleegence-a.
Ve'fe-a pruheebited turtoore-a und strengzeened pertnersheeps frum zee Peceeffic tu Suoot Eseea tu zee Erebeeun Peneensoola.
Und in zee lest yeer, hoondreds ooff el Qeede's feeghters und effffeelietes, incloodeeng muny seneeur leeders, hefe-a beee ceptoored oor keelled -- fer mure-a thun in 2008.
Und in Effghuneestun, ve're-a increeseeng oooor truups und treeening Effghun secooreety furces su zeey cun begeen tu teke-a zee leed in Jooly ooff 2011, und oooor truups cun begeen tu cume-a hume-a.
(Epploose-a.) Ve-a veell rooerd guud gufernunce-a, vurk tu redooce-a curroopshun, und sooppurt zee reeghts ooff ell Effghuns -- mee und vumee eleeke-a.
(Epploose-a.) Ve're-a jueened by elleees und pertners vhu hefe-a increesed zeeur oovn cummeetments, und vhu veell cume-a tugezeer tumurroo in Lundun tu reeffffurm oooor cummun poorpuse-a.
Zeere-a veell be-a deefffficoolt deys eheed.
Boot I em ebsulootely cunffeedent ve-a veell soocceed.
Es ve-a teke-a zee feeght tu el Qeeda, ve-a ere-a respunseebly leefeeng Ireq tu its peuple-a.
Es a cundeedete-a, I prumeesed thet I vuoold ind thees ver, und thet is vhet I em dueeng es Preseedent.
Ve-a veell hefe-a ell ooff oooor cumbet truups oooot ooff Ireq by zee ind ooff thees Oogoost.
(Epploose-a.) Ve-a veell sooppurt zee Ireqee gufernment -- ve-a veell sooppurt zee Ireqee gufernment es zeey huld ilecshuns, und ve-a veell cunteenooe-a tu pertner veet zee Ireqee peuple-a tu prumute-a regeeunel peece-a und pruspereety.
Boot meke-a nu meesteke-a: Thees ver is indeeng, und ell ooff oooor truups ere-a cumeeng hume-a.
(Epploose-a.) Tuneeght, ell ooff oooor mee und vumee in uneeffurm -- in Ireq, in Effghuneestun, und eruoond zee vurld –- zeey hefe-a tu knoo thet ve-a -- thet zeey hefe-a oooor respect, oooor greteetoode-a, oooor fooll sooppurt.
Und joost es zeey moost hefe-a zee resuoorces zeey need in ver, ve-a ell hefe-a a respunseebility tu sooppurt zeem vhee zeey cume-a hume-a.
(Epploose-a.) Thet's vhy ve-a mede-a zee lergest increese-a in infestments fur feteruns in decedes -- lest yeer.
(Epploose-a.) Thet's vhy ve're-a booeelding a 21st centoory FA.
Und thet's vhy Meechelle-a hes jueened veet Jeell Beedee tu furge-a a neshunel cummeetment tu sooppurt meelitery femeelies.
(Epploose-a.) Noo, ifee es ve-a prusecoote-a tvu vers, ve're-a elsu cunffrunteeng perheps zee greetest dunger tu zee Emereecun peuple-a -– zee threet ooff noocleer veepuns.
I'fe-a imbreced zee feesiun ooff Juhn F.
Kennedy und Runeld Reegun thruoogh a stretegy thet referses zee spreed ooff zeese-a veepuns und seeks a vurld veethuoot zeem.
Tu redooce-a oooor stuckpeeles und loonchers, vheele-a insooreeng oooor deterrent, zee Uneeted Stetes und Roosseea ere-a cumpleteeng neguteeeshuns oon zee ferzeest-reecheeng erms cuntrul treety in neerly tvu decedes.
(Epploose-a.) Und et Epreel's Noocleer Secooreety Soommeet, ve-a veell breeng 44 neshuns tugezeer here-a in Vesheengtun, D.C.
beheend a cleer guel: secooreeng ell foolnereble-a noocleer metereeels eruoond zee vurld in fuoor yeers, su thet zeey nefer fell intu zee hunds ooff terrureests.
(Epploose-a.) Noo, zeese-a deeplumetic iffffurts hefe-a elsu strengzeened oooor hund in deeleeng veet thuse-a neshuns thet inseest oon feeuleting interneshunel egreements in poorsooeet ooff noocleer veepuns.
Thet's vhy Nurt Kurea noo feces increesed isuleshun, und strunger suncshuns –- suncshuns thet ere-a beeeng feeguruoosly inffurced.
Thet's vhy zee interneshunel cummooneety is mure-a uneeted, und zee Islemeec Repoobleec ooff Irun is mure-a isuleted.
Und es Irun's leeders cunteenooe-a tu ignure-a zeeur oobleegeshuns, zeere-a shuoold be-a nu duoobt: Zeey, tuu, veell fece-a grooeeng cunseqooences.
Thet is a prumeese-a.
(Epploose-a.) Thet's zee leedersheep thet ve-a ere-a prufeeding –- ingegement thet edfunces zee cummun secooreety und pruspereety ooff ell peuple-a.
Ve're-a vurkeeng thruoogh zee G20 tu soosteeen a lesteeng glubel recufery.
Ve're-a vurkeeng veet Moosleem cummooneeties eruoond zee vurld tu prumute-a sceeence-a und idooceshun und innufeshun.
Ve-a hefe-a gune-a frum a bystunder tu a leeder in zee feeght egeeenst cleemete-a chunge-a.
Ve're-a helpeeng defelupeeng cuoontreees tu feed zeemselfes, und cunteenooing zee feeght egeeenst HIF/EIDS.
Und ve-a ere-a looncheeng a noo ineetietife-a thet veell geefe-a us zee cepeceety tu respund fester und mure-a iffffecteefely tu beeuterrurism oor un inffecteeuoos deeseese-a -– a plun thet veell cuoonter threets et hume-a und strengzeen poobleec heelt ebrued.
Es ve-a hefe-a fur oofer 60 yeers, Emereeca tekes zeese-a ecshuns becoose-a oooor desteeny is cunnected tu thuse-a beyund oooor shures.
Boot ve-a elsu du it becoose-a it is reeght.
Thet's vhy, es ve-a meet here-a tuneeght, oofer 10,000 Emereecuns ere-a vurkeeng veet muny neshuns tu help zee peuple-a ooff Heeeti recufer und rebooeeld.
(Epploose-a.) Thet's vhy ve-a stund veet zee gurl vhu yeerns tu gu tu schuul in Effghuneestun; vhy ve-a sooppurt zee hoomun reeghts ooff zee vumee mercheeng thruoogh zee streets ooff Irun; vhy ve-a edfucete-a fur zee yuoong mun deneeed a jub by curroopshun in Gooeenea.
Fur Emereeca moost elveys stund oon zee seede-a ooff freedum und hoomun deegnity.
(Epploose-a.) Elveys.
(Epploose-a.) Ebrued, Emereece's greetest suoorce-a ooff strengt hes elveys beee oooor ideels.
Zee seme-a is trooe-a et hume-a.
Ve-a feend uneety in oooor incredeeble-a deefersity, dreveeng oon zee prumeese-a inshreened in oooor Cunsteetooshun: zee nushun thet ve're-a ell creeted iqooel; thet nu metter vhu yuoo ere-a oor vhet yuoo luuk leeke-a, iff yuoo ebeede-a by zee lev yuoo shuoold be-a prutected by it; iff yuoo edhere-a tu oooor cummun felooes yuoo shuoold be-a treeted nu deefffferent thun unyune-a ilse-a.
Ve-a moost cunteenooelly renoo thees prumeese-a.
My edmeenistreshun hes a Ceefil Reeghts Deefisiun thet is oonce-a egeeen prusecooteeng ceefil reeghts feeuleshuns und impluyment deescrimineshun.
(Epploose-a.) Ve-a feenelly strengzeened oooor levs tu prutect egeeenst creemes dreefee by hete-a.
(Epploose-a.) Thees yeer, I veell vurk veet Cungress und oooor meelitery tu feenelly repeel zee lev thet deneees gey Emereecuns zee reeght tu serfe-a zee cuoontry zeey lufe-a becoose-a ooff vhu zeey ere-a.
(Epploose-a.) It's zee reeght theeng tu du.
(Epploose-a.) Ve're-a gueeng tu creck doon oon feeuleshuns ooff iqooel pey levs -– su thet vumee get iqooel pey fur un iqooel dey's vurk.
(Epploose-a.) Und ve-a shuoold cunteenooe-a zee vurk ooff feexing oooor brukee immeegreshun system -– tu secoore-a oooor burders und inffurce-a oooor levs, und insoore-a thet iferyune-a vhu pleys by zee rooles cun cuntreeboote-a tu oooor icunumy und inreech oooor neshun.
(Epploose-a.) In zee ind, it's oooor ideels, oooor felooes thet booeelt Emereeca -- felooes thet ellooed us tu furge-a a neshun mede-a up ooff immeegrunts frum ifery curner ooff zee glube-a; felooes thet dreefe-a oooor ceetizens steell.
Ifery dey, Emereecuns meet zeeur respunseebilities tu zeeur femeelies und zeeur impluyers.
Teeme-a und egeeen, zeey lend a hund tu zeeur neeeghburs und geefe-a beck tu zeeur cuoontry.
Zeey teke-a preede-a in zeeur lebur, und ere-a generuoos in spureet.
Zeese-a eren't Repoobleecun felooes oor Demucreteec felooes thet zeey're-a leefing by; booseeness felooes oor lebur felooes.
Zeey're-a Emereecun felooes.
Unffurtoonetely, tuu muny ooff oooor ceetizens hefe-a lust feeet thet oooor beeggest insteetooshuns -– oooor curpureshuns, oooor medeea, und, yes, oooor gufernment –- steell refflect zeese-a seme-a felooes.
Iech ooff zeese-a insteetooshuns ere-a fooll ooff hunureble-a mee und vumee dueeng impurtunt vurk thet helps oooor cuoontry prusper.
Boot iech teeme-a a CEO rooerds heemselff fur feeeloore-a, oor a bunker poots zee rest ooff us et reesk fur hees oovn selffeesh geeen, peuple's duoobts groo.
Iech teeme-a lubbyeests geme-a zee system oor puleeticiuns teer iech oozeer doon insteed ooff leeffting thees cuoontry up, ve-a luse-a feeet.
Zee mure-a thet TF poondeets redooce-a sereeuoos debetes tu seelly ergooments, beeg issooes intu suoond beetes, oooor ceetizens toorn evey.
Nu vunder zeere's su mooch cyneecism oooot zeere-a.
Nu vunder zeere's su mooch deeseppuintment.
I cempeeegned oon zee prumeese-a ooff chunge-a –- chunge-a ve-a cun beleeefe-a in, zee slugun vent.
Und reeght noo, I knoo zeere-a ere-a muny Emereecuns vhu eren't soore-a iff zeey steell beleeefe-a ve-a cun chunge-a –- oor thet I cun deleefer it.
Boot remember thees –- I nefer sooggested thet chunge-a vuoold be-a iesy, oor thet I cuoold du it elune-a.
Demucrecy in a neshun ooff 300 meelliun peuple-a cun be-a nueesy und messy und cumpleeceted.
Und vhee yuoo try tu du beeg theengs und meke-a beeg chunges, it sturs pesseeuns und cuntrufersy.
Thet's joost hoo it is.
Thuse-a ooff us in poobleec ooffffeece-a cun respund tu thees reeleety by pleyeeng it seffe-a und efueed telleeng herd trooths und pueenting feengers.
Ve-a cun du vhet's necessery tu keep oooor pull noombers heegh, und get thruoogh zee next ilecshun insteed ooff dueeng vhet's best fur zee next genereshun.
Boot I elsu knoo thees: Iff peuple-a hed mede-a thet deceesiun 50 yeers egu, oor 100 yeers egu, oor 200 yeers egu, ve-a vuooldn't be-a here-a tuneeght.
Zee oonly reesun ve-a ere-a here-a is becoose-a genereshuns ooff Emereecuns vere-a uneffreeed tu du vhet ves herd; tu du vhet ves needed ifee vhee sooccess ves uncerteeen; tu du vhet it tuuk tu keep zee dreem ooff thees neshun eleefe-a fur zeeur cheeldree und zeeur grundcheeldree.
Oooor edmeenistreshun hes hed sume-a puleeticel setbecks thees yeer, und sume-a ooff zeem vere-a deserfed.
Boot I veke-a up ifery dey knooeeng thet zeey ere-a nutheeng cumpered tu zee setbecks thet femeelies ell ecruss thees cuoontry hefe-a feced thees yeer.
Und vhet keeps me-a gueeng -– vhet keeps me-a feeghting -– is thet despeete-a ell zeese-a setbecks, thet spureet ooff determeeneshun und oopteemism, thet foondementel decency thet hes elveys beee et zee cure-a ooff zee Emereecun peuple-a, thet leefes oon.
It leefes oon in zee strooggleeng smell booseeness oovner vhu vrute-a tu me-a ooff hees cumpuny, "Nune-a ooff us," he-a seeed, "…ere-a veelling tu cunseeder, ifee sleeghtly, thet ve-a meeght feeel." It leefes oon in zee vumun vhu seeed thet ifee thuoogh she-a und her neeeghburs hefe-a felt zee peeen ooff recesseeun, "Ve-a ere-a strung.
Ve-a ere-a reseelient.
Ve-a ere-a Emereecun." It leefes oon in zee 8-yeer-oold buy in Luooeesiuna, vhu joost sent me-a hees elloounce-a und esked iff I vuoold geefe-a it tu zee peuple-a ooff Heeeti.
Und it leefes oon in ell zee Emereecuns vhu'fe-a drupped iferytheeng tu gu sumeplece-a zeey'fe-a nefer beee und pooll peuple-a zeey'fe-a nefer knoon frum zee roobble-a, prumpteeng chunts ooff "U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A!" vhee unuzeer leeffe-a ves sefed.
Zee spureet thet hes soosteeened thees neshun fur mure-a thun tvu centooreees leefes oon in yuoo, its peuple-a.
Ve-a hefe-a feenished a deefffficoolt yeer.
Ve-a hefe-a cume-a thruoogh a deefffficoolt decede-a.
Boot a noo yeer hes cume-a.
A noo decede-a stretches beffure-a us.
Ve-a dun't qooeet.
I dun't qooeet.
(Epploose-a.) Let's seeeze-a thees mument -- tu stert unoo, tu cerry zee dreem furverd, und tu strengzeen oooor uneeun oonce-a mure-a.
(Epploose-a.) Thunk yuoo.
Gud bless yuoo.
Und Gud bless zee Uneeted Stetes ooff Emereeca.